Meet the Team

  • Alicia Simpson MS, RD, IBCLC, LD



    Alicia has an unparalleled passion for nutrition that led her to found Pea Pod Nutrition and Lactation Support, Inc. in 2012. This passion started early in life as a child growing up in the agricultural town of Fresno, California. There she grew up on fresh, local produce grown in her family’s fruit and vegetable garden and the many gardens and farms nearby. Her parents raised her with an appreciation for health, nutrition, and the importance of fueling your body with wholesome foods. Alicia moved from California to Virginia to her “home by the sea” Hampton University to pursue a degree in Marketing. After graduating from Hampton University Alicia entered corporate America as a saleswoman. Although she excelled in her career she felt something was missing. An avid reader since her childhood, Alicia dove headfirst into any book, article, blog, or scientific journal she could get her hands on that dealt with public health and nutrition. Finally, Alicia decided to make the shift from a corporate sales career to that of public health and nutrition earning her Master’s degree in Nutrition from Georgia State University as well as her second bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Georgia State University. Alicia has a burning need to answer the “why’s” in life and her question of “why do African American mothers have the lowest rate of breastfeeding in the United States?” fueled the research behind her master’s thesis titled Sociocultural Barriers To Breast Feeding In African American Women With Focused Intervention To Increase Prevalence and spurred her involvement in the field of lactation. Her original thesis research was also the catalyst behind the creation of Pea Pod Nutrition and Lactation Support.

    Alicia is active in her community as a volunteer with La Leche League International (Georgia Chapter),  on the Advisory Counsel for Postpartum Support International (PSI) Georgia, and Chair of the Membership Committee for the United States Lactation Consultants Association (USCLA) as well as the national liaison between the USLCA and National Association of Professional and Peer Lactation Supporters of Color (NAPPLSC). She is also the author of 3 bestselling cookbooks and her new bestselling book Boost Your Breastmilk: An All In One Guide for Nursing Mothers to Build a Healthy Milk Supply. Alicia is currently working on her Ph.D. in Public Policy focusing her research and neonatal and maternal mortality. Her most important role is that of mother to her vibrant and energetic daughter.

  • Brooke Miner MS, RDN, LDN


    Brooke is a passionate registered dietitian dedicated to helping women improve their overall health and well-being through nutrition. Throughout her career she has worked in various areas of nutrition and dietetics, from hospitals and long term care to outpatient medically supervised weight loss and even postsecondary education as an adjunct professor before diving into the world of private practice.

    It is through her own lived experiences that she found her passion in women's health. Diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis in 2020 after over a decade of looking for answers, food truly became medicine as she navigated her diagnosis and recovery, successfully managing her chronic inflammatory condition to this day with diet and lifestyle. She is well-versed in nutrition for women from preconception to postpartum, PCOS, endometriosis, and more.

    Her diet philosophy is simple. Food is essential to life and life is meant to be enjoyed. She views food as both fuel and fun, working with clients to optimize their diets in a nonrestrictive way that promotes balance, diversity, and sustainability. When you work with Brooke, you can put your fears of judgment, restriction, and guilt to rest. Instead, you can expect to be educated and empowered about your health.

    Originally from Illinois, Brooke graduated from Saint Louis University in 2017 with a Master of Science in Medical Nutrition Therapy. Outside of work, Brooke is a busy mother to a 2-year old daughter and a loving wife to her husband. They reside in Orlando, FL with their Disney dog. In her free time she enjoys gardening, baking, traveling, spending time at the beach or boating, unwinding with yoga/pilates, and exploring various cuisines.

  • Ashleigh Spitza MS, RD, CD, CLC, CDCES


    Ashleigh has nearly a decade of clinical experience as a dietitian in pediatric nutrition care, including diabetes education, primary care, GI, weight inclusive care and growth concerns. Her focus is on providing respectful care that supports health and behavior change for individuals and families.

    She also enjoy mentoring new dietitians and speaking with new doctors and medical students about the importance of patient-centered nutrition care that is trauma-informed and actively works to eradicate weight stigma in healthcare.

    Ashleigh has a MS in Nutrition and Dietetics with an emphasis in counseling. She wrote her thesis on The Division of Responsibility in Feeding: A Trust-Based Model for Addressing Pediatric Obesity,and was able to interview RDs from around the country who utilize this approach. She has gained additional training through Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics’ (WIND’s) Foundations of Weight Inclusive Care conference and The Ellyn Satter Institute’s Childhood Feeding VISION Workshop, Feeding with Love and Good Sense, among others.

    Her mom, who has type 2 diabetes, was the reason she became a dietitian. Ashleigh strives to decrease the blame and stigma associated with diabetes and other chronic diseases. I aim to work with individuals and families to help them build sustainable routines and habits out of self love rather than self-discipline.

    In her free time I enjoy being with her kids, hiking, dancing, lifting heavy things, gardening, reading, and trying new cuisines.

  • Abigail "Abi" Corder


    Abi is a passionate and enthusiastic individual with a keen eye for detail and a love for adventure. Outside of work, Abi enjoys exploring the country by RV (so far she has visited 49 states and 2 countries by RV), capturing beautiful moments through photography, and indulging in her passion for baking. These experiences have fostered a sense of curiosity, resourcefulness, and a desire to continuously learn and grow. 

  • Viviana B. Ponce


    Viviana B. Ponce is a senior nutrition student at the University of the Incarnate Word. She is from Laredo, Texas and will be graduating in May 2025. She is the president of the Student Dietetic Association in my campus, and is a part of Texas Student Dietetic Association.

  • Sophia Giorgini


    Sophia Giorgini is in her 3rd year of the DPD/MS program at Montclair State University. She is originally from New Jersey and attended my undergraduate studies at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, where she majored in public health and minored in business administration. After graduating from Charleston in 2020, she joined a local hospital in New Jersey and found herself in a managerial role in the Maternal Fetal Medicine department. This journey and experience at the hospital ignited her decision to return to school to receive my master's and study to become a registered dietician.

Board of Directors

  • Lesley Shelley


  • Chi Johnson


  • Tenia Bradley


  • Jessica Bonds-King


  • Ryanne Rothenberg


  • Tracey-Ann Harriott


  • Jessica Tirado